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Staff and Leadership

Please find below an introduction to our church leaders and members of staff.
Neil Kelley   Cornelius Asghar
Canon Neil Kelley - Rector
Tel: 01257 266037 / 07980 872203 
Fr. Cornelius Asghar – Curate

Fr. Neil has been Rector of St Laurence’s since October 2017 (and Priest in Charge of St. Peter’s, Chorley in 2021) having moved from the Parish of Bushey (Herts).

Before Bushey, Fr Neil served the Liverpool Diocese for fifteen years as a Parish Priest, Diocesan Advisor on Liturgy & Worship and member of the Diocesan Church Growth Team.

In addition to St. Laurence's Fr. Neil is Priest-in-Charge of Chorley St. Peter and Assistant Archdeacon (with responsibility for Clergy Wellbeing).
Cornelius grew up in the northern part of Pakistan, and has had 20 years of experience in the Education and Development Sector. The Urban Ministry Course (M:POWER) reintroduced him to God as a loving father through our Saviour Jesus Christ. While serving the Church in Blackpool as an ALM, Cornelius sensed that Jesus was calling him to serve His people in addition to being one of His disciples. As a result, his sense of calling to the ordained ministry changed into a gift of the Holy Spirit.

Fr. Cornelius is currently a full-time Curate (assistant clergy) and his hobbies are cooking (trying new recipes), going around nature walks, reading and chatting with people. 
Phil Hall   Tony Checker
Phil Hall – Authorised Lay Minister
Tel: 01257 415602
Tony Checker – Authorised Lay Minister
Tel: 01257 231360  

Phil Hall has been a member of St. Laurence Church for over 30 years having previously been heavily involved in his church in Bolton. Phil served a total of seven years as churchwarden and is currently part of the pastoral visiting team, with a particular interest in later life ministry.

Phil has three children and eight grandchildren, ranging from 22 years old down to the youngest at nine months old. Phil is passionate about football, cricket and is a season ticket holder with Chorley Football Club and a member of Chorley Cricket Club. He also enjoys brewing his own wine and cider.
Tony was a commercial electrician and is now an area sales engineer, based in Liverpool. Tony first came to St. Laurence’s in 2011 and in his time here has been a bellringer, Alpha Course leader, PCC member, Altar server, and Eucharistic Minister. Tony became an ALM in 2021.

Tony has two adult children and in his spare time enjoys woodworking, chess, guitars (music with loud guitars), curry & beer.

Neal Bennet-Williams   Michelle Wareham
Neal Bennet-Williams – Authorised Lay Minister & Churchwarden
Tel: 07368 410982
Michelle Wareham – Authorised Lay Minister

Neal Joined St. Laurence’s in 2020 after attending an Alpha course. He is a Community Ministry Lay Minister. Neal has a passion to work within the Local Community promoting the Bible and our Church.

Neal was in the RAF for a number of years and now works as a Quality Engineer in the Aerospace industry.

Neal likes to spend time with his wife, Sue and Dan the Border Collie. He has a number of hobbies the latest of which is restoring a 38 year old Sinclair C5 Electric car. You may see him around town on it if he’s successful!
Hi, I’m Michelle and I’ve been attending St Laurence’s for nearly 20 years now.   During that time I have served on the PCC three times, led Sunday school, and been a deputy warden.  These days you are more likely to find me playing my flute in the worship band and welcoming everyone to church with my dog, Molly, as well as running our youth group with Kim from St Peter's.  When I'm not at church I work full time at Lancashire teaching hospitals as a specialty business manager.  In my spare time I enjoy walking Molly and crocheting.  I've been married to Peter for 24 years now and we have one daughter, Kassidy, who has just started at University
Justin Stretch   Mandy Stanton
Justin Stretch – Digital Content Manager
Tel: 07566 218703
Mandy Stanton – Rector’s PA
Tel: 07704 036049     

Justin was appointed as Digital Content Manager in the Summer of 2020. He is passionate about worship and creating online content that brings glory to God. 

As well as being Digital Content Manager, Justin also sings and plays keyboard for the Worship Band.  In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing and recording worship songs, stroking his cat, blubell, flying his drone and cooking.
Mandy was born in Birmingham, and lived in the Midlands until 2013, when she moved to Lancashire to take on the role of Lay Ministry Officer for Blackburn Diocese, a job which she did until 2020. Mandy currently works part time as PA to the Area Dean of Leyland in addition to her work for St. Laurence’s. 

Mandy lives in Fulwood with her cat, Eevee, and is an Licensed Lay Minister at Christ Church Fulwood. You can sometimes see Mandy on stage with the St Ambrose Players, Leyland!
vacancy – Parish Administrator
Tel: 01257 231360
Nicola Pilkington – Safeguarding Officer
Tel: 07736 312859

 Please continue to use the office email address and 'phone number for all general enquiries
Nicola has worked in education for over thirteen years and is due to start her first headship in Penwortham in January. Throughout her teaching career, Nicola has worked at four church schools and been the safeguarding lead for the past eight years. It has always been a passion of Nicola’s to share examples from the Bible with her pupils and discuss how Jesus, as our ultimate role model, can help help pupils make good choices.

Nicola lives with her husband Andy and her beautiful, two year old daughter Beatrice, who keeps them both very busy with her ‘good ideas’.
Alan Winstanley   Irene Preston
Alan Winstanley – Director of Music
Tel: 01257 241995
Irene Preston – Operations Manager
Tel: 07518 618311

Alan began learning the organ at Wigan Parish Church with David Cutter and while in the 6th form at the Deanery High School he was a member of the British Youth Choir. He furthered his studies at London College of Music with Gordon Phillips. He was appointed organist at St Peter’s Notting Hill Gate and after graduating undertook a PGCE at King Alfred’s College, Winchester.  In 1982 he took up his first teaching post at UpHolland High School. In August of that year Alan was appointed Organist at St. Laurence’s. In 1986 he became Head of Music at Ormskirk Grammar School and in 1996 was promoted to be in charge of the Arts Faculty. The school merged in 2001 with Cross Hall High School to form Ormskirk School. After 28 years at the school Alan took early retirement in July 2014.  Alan was Conductor of the St Nicholas Singers and for the last 13 years has been Conductor of the Chorley Choral Society. He is also a senior examiner for AQA Examination Board for A level music.
Irene has just completed her PhD in English language at UCLan, where she had been a student since 2012. After a varied career in catering, clerical and care work, Irene suffered a breakdown but has seen how The Lord used this to change her path to academia.
She is a committed Christian, having been a member of Chorley Street pastors for around 6 years and also heavily involved in activities at Clayton brook Community Church near to where she lived.

Irene has 2 grown-up daughters and 2 teenage grandsons who she likes to spend as much time with as possible. She also loves Lego, travelling and learning languages. 
Irene recently married Vic and they are enjoying making a new home for themselves in Chorley town centre.

Assisting Clergy   Jill Smith
Assisting Clergy
All the wardens can be contacted through the Parish Office
Tel: 01257 231360
Jill Smith – Project Administrator
Tel: 07526 341779

We are very grateful to a number of retired clergy who worship at St. Laurence’s and who provide service cover from time to time. Pictured with the Rector are (l to r) Rev. Mike Hatton, Fr. Robert Moore, Rev. David Ward, Fr. Edmund Strazak and Canon Ken Barrett.

Wardens Team
Alex Barrack and Neal Bennet-Williams (Churchwardens)
Bernard Oakley and Tony Checker (Deputy Churchwardens)

Rob Kelly and David Thistlethwaite (Emeritus Wardens)

Jill began her career working as an IT Consultant after studying for a degree in Information Systems at Leeds University.  In more recent years and to fit in with family life she has worked in part time administrative roles and spent a number of years working at Blackburn Diocese as a HR Administrator.  Jill also has many years service working as a volunteer in local church where she has helped as a youth leader, house group leader, occasional preacher and PCC me  mber to name but a few! 

Originally growing up in Higher Walton Jill now lives in Whittle- le-Woods with her husband Lee and their three teenage children Lauren, Evie and Luke.  In her spare time she loves gardening, baking, spending time with family and friends and going for long walks with her little dog Rosie!
Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 

We're very glad you've found us! The following information is specifically for those planning a visit, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect if you come along for worship.

Our Services


Our services are mostly celebrations of the Eucharist (also called the 'mass' or 'holy communion'). This is the service going back to the time of Jesus when He took bread and wine at the Last Supper and told his disciples to do this to remember Him. Click here for more information about the Eucharist in the Church of England. 


We meet at St Laurence's Church (details here) for our family friendly Saturday Service starting at 5.00pm (with contemporary music) and on Sundays at 9am. We also have a more traditional service on Sundays at 11am.


We meet a number of times through the week with the Eucharist celebrated at St Laurence's as follows:

  • Monday 6.15pm
  • Tuesdays and Fridays at 12.15pm
  • Thursday 12.15pm (1st Thursday Healing Mass 6.15pm)

We also have a service at St Peter's on Wednesdays at 10am

Although we have no parking on site there are many car parks nearby with one directly opposite the church building.

Refreshments: We serve refreshments after the 9am and 11am services on a Sunday (and on special occasions there's hot chocolate following the Saturday 5pm service). It is a great way to meet people, or simply get to know something about us. All refreshments are free.

Also during the week our Taste Cafe is open before and after the 12.15pm midweek services - why not stay after the service and have some lunch?

Getting Connected

Church Groups

While Sundays are a great way to meet new people, it is often in smaller gatherings that you can really get to know someone. Being part of one of our small groups allows you to make new friends, share together and support each other. We have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, some afternoons and some evenings. Check out the 'Church Life' section of our website and see if there’s one that you would like to join.

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 


nk pulpit   Cornelius Asghar
Fr. Neil (Rector of St. Laurence's)   Fr. Cornelius (Curate of St. Laurence's)
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home in our church.

Every blessing

Fr Neil sigature