Book our facilities


Please fill in the form below. Once we recieve your information we will be in touch to collect a 20% deposit to secure your booking. 

Is this a one off or regular booking?

Which room/rooms are you requesting for this booking?

Do any of your group have a disability rendering them unable to use stairs? All users of upstairs rooms must be able to evacuate safely in the event of an emergency. Group leaders are responsible for the safety of their group members.

Do you require any of the following?

Please read terms and conditions below and check the box to state that you understand and accept.

If your booking is in relation to a an organisation within or linked to the church and you believe your fee should be waived or discounted, please tick

6 + 10 =

Terms & Conditions of Hire

a. I am responsible for returning the area we have used to a clean and tidy condition afterwards, for supervision and security of the premises, protection of the fabric and contents from damage and the behaviour of all persons using the premises. If this is not done to the satisfaction of the St Laurence’s PCC or if there are any breakages, then I undertake to pay £25 plus the full costs of cleaning and/or restitution.

b. If you are using our facilities when the Taste Café is operating, you are more than welcome to refreshments in our seating area on a ‘pay what you can’ basis.

c. The Church must be vacated by 2300 hrs at the latest unless later by prior agreement only.

d. The Church may only be used in appropriate ways and sound levels must not cause annoyance to local residents or to other users of the Church.

e. I cannot sub-let or use the premises or do anything, or bring onto the premises
anything that may endanger the premises, their users or any relevant insurance policies.

f. There is a strict No Smoking, policy (including e-cigs) within Church premises and on church grounds.

g. I am responsible for obtaining any Local Authority or other licences necessary in
connection with the booking, for making adequate arrangements to insure against any
Third Party claims that may lie against me or my organisation whilst using the premises, and for the observance of all regulations affecting the premises imposed by the Licensing Authority,
Fire Authority, Police Authority Environmental Health, Social Services or otherwise.

h. I confirm that all appropriate risk assessments for any activities to be undertaken (indoors or outdoors) will be completed and submitted to the church prior to the commencement of my booking.

i. I confirm that I am responsible for the orderly and safe admission and departure of persons from the Church, and the safe evacuation of the Church in case of emergency. I will read the Fire Safety Policy in this pack, including evacuation procedures.

j. In accordance with legislation on the protection of children, I confirm that I understand the provisions and undertake to provide an adequate number of trained supervisors where the children and young people are under 16 years of age and will provide details of policies as requested.

k. If selling goods on the premises, I shall comply with all legal requirements and abide by any local code of practice in connection with such sales.

l. No goods may be left in the premises nor any posters on church noticeboards.

m. My booking is only confirmed when the St Laurence’s PCC receives and banks the deposit.
The deposit is not refundable; if the St Laurence’s PCC cancels the event, the fee is refunded in full. The St Laurence’s PCC reserves the right to cancel the booking if the room is needed for church purposes. In these circumstances, the maximum practicable notice shall be given and the St Laurence’s PCC will seek to find alternative accommodation for your booking if at all possible.

n. If I am given a key, I understand that this is to be used only for the event(s) specified in the bookings form and at no other time. If I need to access the church outside of the events specified on the bookings form, I will request access via email. I undertake under no circumstances to give it to a third party or to have a copy made, and to return it at the end of the hire. If I
do not return it, then the Church may have to have new locks fitted and I agree to cover the cost of this with an additional £50 fee for the inconvenience caused.

o. I indemnify the St Laurence’s PCC in respect of the cost of repair of any damage done to any part of the premises, including the curtilage thereof or the contents of the building during or as a result of a booking and in respect of any liability to third parties or otherwise arising out of the use of the premises pursuant to the hiring.

p. I acknowledge that no tenancy exists between me/my organisation and the St Laurence’s PCC and no relationship of landlord and tenant exists between us.

q. By my signature below, I confirm that I am over 18 and have accepted all the conditions set out above on behalf of my organisation. I also understand that there are no daytime parking facilities available at the church. There are a number of car parks within a short distance of the church.

r. I recognise that in signing this form I am responsible for communicating to my group the details of the fire evacuation policy should this need to be implemented.
If I do wish to use the premises for a different use to that agreed on this form, I realise that this needs to be a new booking.
I can confirm that my booking includes setting up/clearing up time and not just the running time for my event.

Rental charge is per 3 hour session: Hire of main Church £40; Other rooms £30; Concert in Church including rehearsal £150 (Summer) £250 (Winter); (Deposit is 20% total cost).
Booking is only confirmed when the St

Laurence’s PCC receives and banks the deposit (20% of the total cost). Bookings will be held provisionally for seven days to allow for payment of the deposit.

We will confirm this if/when your booking is accepted.

Balances should be paid at least 7 days prior to the booking commencing (unless otherwise agreed). Your booking may be cancelled if the balance has not been paid.

Bookings should be paid by bank transfer to Yorkshire Bank account 43666410 sort code 05 03 70.

Please email to confirm that payment has been made.

I understand that in the event of late cancellation, over-running the event, failure to leave the premises clean or causing damage or breakage or other complaints, I may forfeit all or part of this amount.

The remaining monies must be paid by the last date of use; in the case of a recurring booking, it is possible to set up monthly payments.